Friday, June 19, 2009

Dr. Vohan Kumar

Session 6 of chemo is done. Rohan is quite the pro at this now. He knows the drill - numbing cream on his port at home, blood work and weight taking in the hospital, then video games, and finally seeing the docs and nurses for his chemo. His blood counts were low at today's visit, so we will have to be extra careful. He calls himself Dr Vohan Kumar at times, and gives his "bunnies" medicine and bandaids when they are not feeling too well.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Yippee yippee yay!
Ashtyn's coming to play today!
Quite an uneventful Thursday - Rohan still has his imaginary bunnies, he had a busy day playing with a bunch of stuff. The highlight of his day was Ashtyn's visit with Steph and Jennifer. Lots of squealing, hide and seek and a fun filled evening!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bunnies, Billu and More

Its been a while since my last post, and a lot has happened. Rohan finished his 6 radiation treatments, like a big boy. He even did two without anaesthesia (one day because he was sick and nauseous, the next day because it was saturday and staff was minimal). He was awesome though, stayed very still in his "spaceship" while the techs took "pictures" of his tummy. At the end of it, they were so proud and happy that he even got a new train! Salty the dockside diesel! And miracle of miracles- its one that he didnt have already :)
Its been very challenging getting him to take oral meds though. He has a sticker book now, for each med that he takes, he gets a sticker and a surprise at the end of 10 stickers.
Priya came to visit us June 5th - 7th and we had a great time. Rohan loved the extra attention, and also got his 10th sticker. His surprise was a red Beta fish in a bowl - christened Billu! Billu is thriving, Rohan is running around, 5 chemo sessions done, radiation done. Im still hoping for the best, praying that all goes well, and enjoying all the company.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thank You All

A post dedicated to all of you who have shown so much love and support. Though phone calls sometimes go unanswered, every call and message is appreciated a lot! Rohan of course loves all the toys and we are having a great time playing with everything - from Go Fish, to Thomas, to still more Thomas, to more and more Thomas! Movies, magic, masti

Thanks again for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

Double Whammy, but some GREAT news too

What a day so far. Rohan had radiation session number 5, followed by chemo session number 2. The radiation has done quite a number on him, and he was nauseous all morning. He did great at the radiation session inspite of not getting any anaesthesia. Stayed pretty still and got his "pictures" taken. What a big boy! We then went to childrens for chemo, and Dr G finally saw us and confirmed that his histology report was good!!! Yippee Yay! Finally some good news. The nurses had some Thomas stuff (but of course) ready for him, and we were out of there in about 2 hours. He is passed out now, has zero appetite, but i hope he feels better when he wakes up. Hopefully his last radiation session will be done tomorrow, and we will not have to go anymore to the "hospidal with the turdles" in it as we know Emory.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Im a big boy - but its ok to be a baby sometimes

I cant believe its been 2 weeks since R's surgery. He is coping quite well, and has had one chemo session and 3 days of radiation. At today's radiation session we spent 30 minutes prior to the session walking around the corridors, looking at animal crackers in the vending machine, counting turtles in a fish tank, and coloring thomas the train pictures. R fusses to have the anaeshesia mask on him, but luckily he goes down in a few seconds. He came to as soon as the mask was removed, which is quite unusual i am told by the Drs. He woke up crying that he wanted to go get animal crackers out of the vending machine. He wolfed down a big box of cheerios, and milk and was back to normal in a few mins. We spent the rest of the day playing, going to the lie-vwy (library) and the park. Half way through with chemo. BTW: This quote is courtesy Rohan on the way to radiation, and i think it really applies to the way all of us are feeling right now - trying to hold on, but feel kind of like helpless babies at times.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Chicken Nuggets

Raditation day 2. A bit wiser about the effects of not medicating with Zofran - Rohan had a dose before radiation. He came to and started howling, and saying something that no one could understand. Finally we got it! Chicken Nuggets was the plaintive wail! Hunger striking, a good sign! Went straight to Chick Fil-A. Downed some nuggets, hash browns and milk - yum and ready to face the day now. Rohan is in good spirits, and we went to the library and Jaya's house and he did great.